My passion for the construction industry started at a young age. Initially with my own property investing and developing, and then owning my own construction business with my then husband. Having had the role of estimator, quality control officer, bookkeeper, accountant, marketing expert and sales person (breath), I experienced the same frustrations that every other builder that I have mentored, and spoken to, also faces.
This lead me to my vision which is to provide a high value, affordable program for builders – to assist them to create their own foundations for their business all in the one place. Including pricing, sales and sales psychology, budgets and processes and procedures.
In my own business I found that it was extremely difficult to find this information and it definitely wasn’t in the one place. In saying this associations like Master Builders and the Housing Industry Association are doing their very best to change this.
My vision is to also encourage my own clients to help one another, because as a group that is where the most change is possible. If we all share in the knowledge and teach what I am teaching to others, this will only make the industry more professional and as a consequence, even more respected.
My curiosity to find a better way within our business started with a long search and many phone conversations with my friends who were builders. I would ask things like, “How much are you charging per square at the moment” and, “I am so frustrated! I’ve just spent hours and hours on a proposal and they’ve used my specifications to get another builder to quote!” were the general dialogue of such conversations.
After a long and frustrating search, eventually I found my first business mentor who put us on the right track. Unfortunately my marriage was on the wrong track and as such I had to let that business go when we “consciously uncoupled “aka divorced.
My affiliation with the industry didn’t stop there. I was lucky enough to become a strategic business coach specialising in builders and trades and I continued along my journey – one in which I’m extremely passionate about.